VNUHCM - University of Science
Welcome to the University of Science, one of the six esteemed members of the Vietnam National University System in Ho Chi Minh City.
Our University history started in 1941 with the establishment of the Indochina College of Science which then became the Faculty University of Science in Saigon in 1956. By collaboration with the Faculty of Letters, our Institution was renamed as University Ho Chi Minh City in 1977. The General City University was split into the University of Natural Sciences and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in 1996, then becoming the two mutual members of the Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City.
The VNUHCM - University of Science (HCMUS) inherited and constantly aimed to become an excellent institution for education and scientific research in the field of basic sciences and applied technologies in Vietnam. We have more than fifteen thousand undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing 52 undergraduate programs and 32 graduate programs. We provide an excellent education research environment to instill a passion for science as well as social responsibility in each and every student.
HCMUS is the center of academic education, postgraduate, providing human resources, experts qualified in the field of basic science and technology with creativity, working in an international competitive environment. Also, this is where the implementation of the peak in scientific research to create elite products to meet the needs of scientific and technological development and the requirements of economic and social development in Vietnam as well as in the world.
In recent years, HCMUS is striving to become a center for multi-disciplinary and multi-sector training with 09 faculties, 04 key laboratories and 10 research centers in the fields of technology, natural sciences, language and some units for production, other business. The organization of HCMUS is operated under the open system and unified management of Vietnam National University (VNUHCM). Thanks to a strong historical background, the ratio of basic research on natural sciences (such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology) is 70%. In recent years HCMUS has encouraged research-oriented applications, so as to form a strong team of key science and technology, oriented applications biotechnology (Biotech), information technology (IT), electronics and telecommunications, materials technology and environmental technology. Among these fields, Biotech and IT have strong influences in Vietnam. Many PhD. students studied abroad in developed countries (such as US, Europe, Japan, Korea, etc.) have returned to Vietnam in order to contributed to improving human resources for scientific research.
According to recent statistics, among 1352 faculty members in HCMUS, there are 77% academic staffs (professors, PhD, lecturers, master and 23% technical/services staffs). With this strong human resource background, researchers have made significant contributions to scientific research and technology transfer for HCMUS.
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